4 research outputs found

    Teologi Tahajjud Pemikiran Prof. Dr. Moh. Sholeh Melawan Metos Sangkal di Kalangan Masyarakat Kabupaten Sumenep Madura

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    The community formed by the trappings of culture. The birth of a sense of cultural initiative, creativity, and initiative of human social life. Each community in various regions has its own culture. All of theIT formed over social accumulation, Bohemian flavor, and the results kesepakata together. Depth on creating, meruwat, and caring culture in Indonesian society is very strong. On the island of Madura, a sense of belonging to that culture is still strong. Including culture believing in things that are myths. This study will reveal the myths deny reality in the Madurese community. With qualitatively method, researchers will collect data from a number of sources. Data collection will be done with the snowball sampling technique. All information obtained from informants become authoritative data in terms of writing this review. of the research, found that refute the myth has no empirical basis. Deny only be born of anxiety Madurese community. Solutions address the threat to deny the myth is Denen taqarruban ilallah through prayer tahajud media. Salah tahajud alternative enjadi soothe the soul and maintain the stability of functioning organs become more finally

    Aktivasi Nilai Pendidikan dalam Konsep Aswaja

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    Education in Indonesia is like being in a tangled yarn winding. Growth is lush yet full of mud and moss. There is a happy face, but there was an air-rada rada black. Simply put, our education (Indonesia) like a ship sailing aimlessly and goals. Appeared later than this confusion about the various interpretations of education in Indonesia. Such as Character Education, Cultural Value-Based Education, Social, Religious and others. The times, the movement of ideas and seek solutions to the problems of education in Indonesia continues to grow. A number of researchers, experts and practitioners work together to look for the hallmark of education in Indonesia. Various methods and stratgei done in order to find distinctive character education formulations ness. There are various kinds of character education are taken from the values of both groups, a particular doctrine or custom. This new discovery is the responsibility of the observer forms, practitioners and education experts on wajahpendidikan in Indonesia. One of these ideas Aswaja Value-Based Character Education. Is this keaswajaan effective and could be part of the establishment of the nation\u27s private good

    Ajaran Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Ibnu Athaillah (Menggali Nilai Pendidikan Moral-Sprititual dari Sebagian Untaian Hikmah Kitab Al-Hikam)

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    Corruption here has been ingrained. From year to year, the number of corruption continue to grow. Spread out to various corners of the bureaucracy and social status. Some movement of the Government and tactical systemic organs do. Eradication and the fight against corruption as no betaji. Therefore, one captured, grew so many actors who perform the same action. Back to the sociological typology of Indonesian society, corruption is contrary to the cultural roots of our ancestors. Corruption odds for causing corruption in various aspects of life in Indonesia. There are so many people get hurt and become victims of corrupt practices. Perhaps, therapy metaphysical version of Ibn \u27Athaillah through counsels Al-Hikam bidder will be octopus of corruption in Indonesia. At least, this wisdom can be banged strands of consciousness and the hearts of all elements of the Indonesian nation

    Rekonstuksi Metode Belajar Kontektualis Santri Pondok Pesantren Salaf dan Khalaf di Madura

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    Dunia pendidikan di Indonesia sering dibingungkan dengan persoalan pencarian metode belajar alternatif. Kebimbangan ini terjadi karena elemen pemerintah melihat, hasil dari proses yang dilakukan sejumlah lembaga pendidikan dinilai kurang maksimal. Beberapa Perubahanan metode belajar telah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Sehingga mengemuka pertanyaan, kegagalan pendidikan disebabkan oleh metode atau lebih karena factor sumber daya manusianya? Dalam perkembangannya, pondok pesantren dibagai menjadi salafiyah dan khalafiyah. Pondok pesantren dianggap sejumlah pihak sebagai kawah penuh inspirasi dan motivasi. Santri bisa belajar dengan dinamis. Meski dalam kampium keterbatasan. Proses di pondok pesantren selamana ini  dipandang mampu menghasilkan produk berkarakter. Seperti apa realitas pondok pesantren salaf dengan khalaf. Kata Kunci: Metode Belajar, Pesantren.   &nbsp